
Trincomali Sentinel, 5×7 inch acrylic painting, sold

Exploring Galiano Island by kayak and land takes you to mystical places where ancient sandstone has been carved by wind and water.



Exploring Galiano Island by kayak and land takes you to mystical places where ancient sandstone has been carved by wind and water and life abounds, even in unlikely situations. If you look closely, you’ll see a tiny plant perched very safely on the back of the sentinel shown here. When you walk up the beach, you will be visiting the Galiano Conservancy, a sentinel of conservation for our island, and their Learning Centre where children of all ages learn about the land, it’s plants and our privilege to care for and harvest it.

Warm pinks and corals bring in the warmth of the evening sun that envelopes you into this realistic, romantic and a touch impressionistic painting.

Acrylic on stretched canvas. The scene continues around all four edges of the painting, so framing is a choice, not a necessity.