
Symphony of Branches, 12″x16″ acrylic on canvas, sold

Walking in the Tapovan Sri Chinmoy Peace Park, is like stepping through music, each bit of moss, curvy branch and stalwart Douglas Fir tree trunk joining in. You belong here too, resting on the soft moss, your song joining the chorus, sunlight flickering across your arms, so similar to theirs. In this place, it’s easy to know that we are all part of each other.



“A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease.” John Muir

Walking in the Tapovan Sri Chinmoy Peace Park, is like stepping through music, each bit of moss, curvy branch and stalwart Douglas Fir tree trunk joining in. You belong here too, resting on the soft moss, your song joining the chorus, sunlight flickering across your arms, so similar to theirs. In this place, it’s easy to know that we are all part of each other.

Just as if you were walking through the trees at the Tapovan Sri Chinmoy Peace Park this realistic, romantic and a touch impressionistic painting will envelope you into it’s peaceful song. Soft greens, blues and purples are gently soothing while the warm tones of the branches and tree trunks lift you up to join in their joyful poetry.

Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 12 x 16 inches. The scene continues around all four corners of the painting, so framing is a choice not a necessity.