
Shelter at the Bluffs, 12×16 inches, acrylic painting, sold

Inspired by a spring morning at the Bluffs when the shelter was still in place. The warm colours of the log building invite you in to explore it’s shade or lean against the wall to soak in the scene. A gorgeous stand of Douglas firs and an ancient stump stand guard over the building while Garry oaks just beginning to bud reach for the light. Sunlight warms the path inviting you to explore what lies around the corner, and a dynamic spring sky curls through the scene infusing it with energy.



Inspired by a spring morning at the Bluffs when the shelter was still in place. The warm colours of the log building invite you in to explore it’s shade or lean against the wall to soak in the scene. A gorgeous stand of Douglas firs and an ancient stump stand guard over the building while Garry oaks just beginning to bud reach for the light. Sunlight warms the path inviting you to explore what lies around the corner, and a dynamic spring sky curls through the scene infusing it with energy.

Bluffs Park, a favourite destination for visitors and islanders alike, is Galiano’s oldest wilderness park, established by community subscription in 1948 and is now cared for by the Gulf Island’s oldest non-profit community organization – The Galiano Club. With 130 hectares, it extends far inland into virgin forest, as well having high cliffs and a long sandy beach at Matthews Point bordering on Active Pass.

Just as if you were hiking along the ridge of Bluffs Park and turned the corner to be surprised by the shelter waiting to greet you, this painting envelopes you into that spring morning moment, a beautiful surprise, created just for you!

Acrylic on stretched canvas. The scene continues around all four edges of the painting, so framing is a choice, not a necessity.