
Sandstone Curls at Dionisio, 16×20 inch acrylic painting, sold

I am so in love with Dionisio Point Point Provincial Park! The north tip of the island is especially alluring to me as the complex sandstone unfurls one beautiful scene after another as wind and waves carve the stories hidden below the surface. The curls in this formation captured my heart and my paintbrush! Garry oaks and Douglas reach for a playful breezy sky and just a hint of a path is found on the far beach.

Just as if you were walking around the island, this realistic, romantic and a touch impressionistic painting curls around your heart, pulling you into the vibrant seashore. Multiple layers of warm colours add a rich depth to the sandstone shadows.

Acrylic on stretched canvas. The scene continues around all four edges of the painting, so framing is a choice, not a necessity.
