
Oaks on the Edge, 14×20 inches, acrylic painting, sold



These deliciously curvy Garry oaks have picked a perch that survivors love and competitors shun, the warm sandstone cliffs of the western shores of Galiano Island. They sink their roots deep into the rock searching for water and food, and all that effort helps them withstand the spring and fall storms that challenge their perch. I love their wildly joyful curves, reaching out to embrace sunlight, soak in the warmth from the sandstone and the light reflecting up from the water. Their challenges have made them so beautiful!

To get the sparkle in the sky and water I have worked with multiple layers of corals, pinks and blues. The sandstone has additional layers of deeper tones to form the dark shadows. The water echos and deepens the movement and colours of the sky. A sailboat in the distance reflects the solitude and courage represented by the Garry oaks.

Just as if you were kayaking up the western coast of Galiano Island to come around the corner to this scene, this painting envelopes you with it’s realistic, romantic and a touch impressionistic embrace. You too are a survivor, beautiful for the opportunities and challenges that you face in your place in the world.

Acrylic on stretched canvas. The scene continues around the edge of the painting so framing is a choice, not a necessity.