
A Home for the Sea Stars, 16×20 inch acrylic painting, sold

I am celebrating what’s precious and Galiano’s purple sea stars come to mind. They almost disappeared a few years ago, and now we get to enjoy the thrill of a rare encounter. I created a beautiful setting for them, tucked into my favourite sandstone formation at my favourite park, you guessed it, Galiano’s Dionisio Point Provincial Park! I love the shape of this arbutus tree because he branches out from his trunk similar to starfish tentacles. Along the same lines, I chose this sandstone formation because it’s long fingers remind me of sea star shapes. The lovely purple sea stars are cuddled into their cozy crevice home surrounded by sea weed and yummy barnacles.



I am celebrating what’s precious and Galiano’s purple sea stars come to mind. They almost disappeared a few years ago, and now we get to enjoy the thrill of a rare encounter. I created a beautiful setting for them, tucked into my favourite sandstone formation at my favourite park, you guessed it, Galiano’s Dionisio Point Provincial Park! I love the shape of this arbutus tree because he branches out from his trunk similar to starfish tentacles. Along the same lines, I chose this sandstone formation because it’s long fingers remind me of sea star shapes. The lovely purple sea stars are cuddled into their cozy crevice home surrounded by sea weed and yummy barnacles.

Just as if you had come around the corner and found the sea stars for yourself, this realistic, romantic and a touch impressionistic painting envelopes you into it’s warm sandstone embrace. Multiple layers of colour add a sparkle to the gentle sky and depth to the sandstone and peaceful ocean shadows.

Acrylic on stretched canvas. The scene continues around all four edges of the painting, so framing is a choice, not a necessity.